Winter 1931
Jan. 1 | Ruby goes to Chi. Grandfather & Bob go to town. Hunt for keys for his car. Can’t be found. Whitey starts to work for us. |
Jan. 2 | Whitey takes switch for car. Bob & father go to Dixon. Get key. Go to town in P.M. Find old key. |
Jan. 3 | Grace & Ralph move. Bob goes up. He & Whitey do chores. Helen, Mildred, & I go up in P.M. Lennis Pates brings furniture from town. Go to Carnival at nite. Ruby goes too. |
Jan. 4 | Nothing exciting |
Jan. 5 | Move. Folks keep Jerry. |
Jan. 6, 7, 8, 9 | Work trying to get settled. |
Jan. 11 | Ruby and ____, Genevieve, Harold, Lucille, Mary ere in P.M. Grandfather takes kiddies to S.S. |
Jan. 12 | Bob goes to Oregon in A.M. |
Jan. 14 | Saw wood in P.M. Aunt Mary & Uncle Douglas come out. |
Jan. 15 | Bob & Father go to town in A.M. |
Jan. 16, 17, 18 | Haul grain. Gene sick. We go down home in A.M. Stay for dinner. |
Jan. 17 | Beautiful day. Chilly tho. Bob & I go to town at nite. Bob in P.M. Whitely keeps children. |
Jan. 18 | Beautiful now storm. Go down home for dinner. Florence, Danny & boys over. Helen, Ruby & Jerry stay down. Bob goes back after them at supper time. Eat supper there. |
Jan. 19 | Whitey takes kiddies to school. Nice day. Sun shines, snow melts. |
Jan. 20 | Mr. Lindsey comes over. Is mother too. Myrtle sick. Get horses home. |
Jan 21 | Cold. Whitey fixes the desk. Kiddies sick. |
Jan. 23 | Mother comes up in P.M. |
Jan. 24 | Aunt Ruby comes, stays all nite. Goes down home next day for dinner. J .W. Warner there. |
Jan. 26 | Beautiful day. Ruby & Harry better but cough too much to go to school. Ruby does down home. Gene home from school. Bob kind of bum. |
Jan. 27 | Lindsey’s over in A.M. We go down home in P.M. Whitey helps saw wood. Bob goes to town with father. |
Jan. 29 | Helen’s birthday. Have folks here for supper. Ruby ___ too. Mother kind of all in all week. |
Jan. 30 | Get water fixed in house. Harry & Gene down home at nite. |
Jan. 31 | Bob and I go into town in P.M. |
Feb. 1 | Go down home for dinner. Ruby out. Company. Fix new curtains. Sharpo out for dinner. Gene & Helen all in. Gene stays down at nite |
Feb. 2 | Elsie & Charles stop here with grinder. |
Feb. 3 | Whitey helps saw logs down home. Mr. Lindsey brigs load of feed over. |
Feb. 8 | Ruby comes out with Father. Stays with me while Bob takes kiddies to S.S. Mother comes up while Father hauls milk in A.M. |
Feb. 12 | Mother has quilting. |
Feb. 13 | Bob & Whitey go to town in A.M. Whitey trades cars. |
Feb. 14 | Ruby stays all nite with us. Bob & Whitey go to Grand Detour. |
Feb. 15 | Go down home for dinner. |
Feb. 19 | Bob goes to Fred Maysilles sale. |
Feb. 21 | Ralph here for dinner. We go to town in P.M. Ruby comes out with us. Go back at nite. She stays all nite. Helps me in A.M. Sun. |
Feb. 22 | Mr. & Mrs. Hanson here for dinner. |
Feb. 23 | Earl here in P.M. Pauline Maples too. |
Feb. 24 | Mr. Strock here (insurance) A.M. |
Feb. 25 | Peg & Hall, Billie here. Mr. & Mrs. Bender only stay a little while. Kellar Smith here. |
Feb. 26 | Go down home. Father & Bob go to Dixon late. |
Feb. 27 | Move the piano. Mike & Paully help. |
Feb. 28 | Ruby goes to see Tillie. Hauls load of hay. Kiddies go to S.S. Bob takes Jerry along. |
Feb. 29 | Haul hay, Jesse too. Folks get separator. Beautiful Day. |
Mar. 1 | Stormy. Harry & Myrtle don’t go to school. Examinations. Myrtle home Monday Feb. 29 and March 1 & 2. |
Mar. 2 | Rainy, icy, etc. Telephone wires, electric wires down. Trees break branches. Bob takes cream to Polo in A.M. Aunt Mary, Uncle Douglas, Grace, Mother, Father, Jesse up in P.M. |
Mar. 3 | Boys haul straw. Martha up at nite – Bob cuts her hair. Jesse too. Go to Grange at nite. Ruby goes with Ralph & Grace. Jesse & Bob each |
Mar. 4 | Go to Grange at nite. Ruby goes with Ralph & Grace. Jesse & Bob each get load of hay in P.M. Harry, Myrtle, Ruby, Jerry go down with him on jay rack. |
Mar. 5 | Snowy. Bob goes to town in P.M.
Mar. 1 | Go down home. Sharpo & Mr. Frank there. Paint bed. |
Mar. 2 | Mr. Lindsey brings load of feed over. |
Mar. 3 | Get sewing machine & wringer from Len Laws. Ralph & Grace move down below. |
Mar. 4 | Saw wood in P.M. |
Mar. 5 | Peg & Hal down. Benders too. Bring clothes. Go down home for dinner. They come back & stay to see kiddies. Whitey washes car. |
Mar. 6 | Mother comes up in P.M. I sew on dress. Harry & Myrtle go home with them. Stay till Sat. Big snow storm Sat. |
Mar. 7 | Helen & I go to meeting for Girls Club. Take Jerry. Millie & Ruby down home. Bob goes to town. Ruby comes up with them. Cold Snowy. |
Mar. 8 | Still cold. Roads drifted. Bob takes Ruby down home. Brings Mildred & Myrtle home. Grandmother takes Ruby in town. |
Mar. 9 | Breaks truck down. Whitey goes after it. Gene goes that A.M. Walks home. No school. Get load of hay in P.M. |
Mar. 10 | Get load of hay. |
Mar. 11 | Take hog to Taylor’s to butcher. Gene goes down home to stay all nite. |
Mar. 12 | Kellar Smith starts to work for us. Comes at noon. Bob salts meat. We go to town with Whitey. I go to Ethel’s. Whitey leaves when we come home. Gene goes down home again to stay all nite. Kellar goes to meeting. |
Mar. 13 | We finish taking care of hog. |
Mar. 14 | Martha & Dickey come up in P.M. Mr. Lindsey brings feed over. Bob goes to town in P.M. Ruby goes home with Grandpa |
Mar. 15 | We all go down home for dinner. Bob & I & some of kids go down to see Ralph & Grace. Myrtle & Gene stay down home all nite. A. Ruby goes to Rockford on Sat. |
Mar. 16 | First little pigs. |
Mar. 17 | Sew tomato seeds. |
Mar. 18 | Bob & Kellar go into town in A.M. |
Mar. 19 | Go to horse sale in P.M. |
Mar. 20 | Haul hay. Helen & Harry come down. |
Mar. 21 | Go to town in P.M. Mildred, Ruby, Myrtle, & Jerry stay home. |
Mar. 22 | Go down for dinner & Ruby there. Have good time. Bob goes down to Ralph’s. Martha & Dick come along up with us. Go to woods. |
Mar. 23 | Bob & Kellar help saw wood down home in P.M. Bob hauls hay in A.M. From J. W’s. |
Mar. 24 | Kellar helps Chas. Hanson saw wood in P.M. |
Mar. 25 | Bob goes to town I P.M. Dentist. Martha & Dick up for a little while. |
Mar. 26 | Folks go to Aurora. Mrs. Sauer too. Uncle Douglas & Aunt Mary. |
Mar. 27 | Stormy. Bob cuts hair. |
Mar. 28 | Cold, snowy, story. Bob goes to town in P.M. Ruby & Harry down home on milk truck. |
Mar 29 | Sunshine but cold. Go down home for dinner. Ruby, Mother & I go down to Grace’s in P.M. Ruby comes home with us. Stays all nite. Gene & Harry stay down home. |
Mar. 30 | A beautiful day. |
Mar. 31 | Jerry’s birthday. Bob goes to town. We go along to see Mrs. Abbott. She is sick in bed. |
Spring 1931
Apr. 1 | Grace, Mother, Dorothy & Dick come up in P.M. Ruby goes home with them. Bob & Kellar get horseradish from Chas. Reeds |
Apr. 2 | Mr. Lindsey brings load of feed over. Bob sends for license. |
Apr. 3 | Rains, snows. Bob & Kellar go down to Claude Guyn’s to get clover seed. |
Apr. 4 | Beautiful day. Bob goes to town in P.M. Mr. Lindsey brings corn over. Helen & Mildred go down to Grandma’s in P.M. Exciting time. |
Apr. 5 | Easter Sun. Down home. Ralph up too. F there in A.M. Nite too. Aunt M. Uncle Douglas for dinner. Ruby & Myrtle stay down. |
Apr. 6 | Bob goes to dentist. |
Apr. 7 | Start to sow oats. Mrs. Warner, Mrs. Emerson & Violet here for little while. |
Apr. 8 | Beautiful day – warm. |
Apr. 9 | I go down home and down to Grace’s. She helps me sew. Rains in P.M. Ruby & Harry come down after school. Stay all nite. |
Apr. 10 | Mr. Lindsey brings feed over. Millie comes home sick. Jerry falls down cellar. |
Apr. 11 | Clean garden. Bob goes to town in P.M. Bob & Kellar at nite. |
Apr. 12 | Go down home. Florence & Danny over. |
Apr. 13 | Bob goes to Dixon for harness. Aunt Mae, Uncle Fred, Al & Emma out for a little while. |
Apr. 14, 15 | Make some garden. Rains all nite. |
Apr. 17 | Grange man here at nite. Mr. Mumma. |
Apr. 18 | Bob goes to town in P.M. We all go to Mr. Morris at nite except Ruby & Myrtle. |
Apr. 19 | Down home for dinner. Bob & kiddies go to Kellar’s S.S. to visit. Peg, Mrs. Oliver & kiddies down in P.M. Go to ball game. They come up here to bring me home and get kiddies. Stay for supper. |
Apr. 20 | No school. Rains hard. Harry & Gene go down home. |
Apr. 22 | Bob takes load of feed to town in A.M. Plant early potatoes in P.M. |
Apr. 23 | Hal & Mr. Bender here for dinner. Mrs. Sauer very sick. Gene goes down home to stay all nite. |
Apr. 24 | Shear sheep. Mr. Lindsey & Kenneth Cleaver here for dinner. Harry & Myrtle go down to Grandmas all nite. |
Apr. 25 | Helen goes to town with Grandpa. Carl Warner here. Bob goes to town with him. We all go to town in P.M. Bob & Kellar go down home in P.M. to shell seed corn. Bob, Mildred, Helen & Ruby go to show. |
Apr. 26 | I go down home in A.M. Kiddies go to S.S. All for dinner. |
Apr. 27 | Sell calf to Mr. Wilmarth. |
Apr. 28 | Shell calls up at nite. We go down home. Shell’s folks there too. Gertie, Carolyn, Charles. |
Apr. 29 | Paul R. helps haul manure. |
Apr. 28 | Ruby, Myrtle, Harry down home all nite. |
Apr. 29 | Mother & Father up. Bring soap & Myrtle. Myrtle goes back with them. Bob, Kellar & Gene go to town at nite. I.C. |
Apr. 30 | Paul helps haul manure again. Kellar goes to dance. |
May 1 | Earl Baker down in evening. |
May 2 | We go to town in P.M. Kiddies stay down home, all except Gene. Sharpo out too. R goes to O.P. Go down to Carl’s & Ann’s in A.M. Kiddies go down home with Grandpa on truck. Effie Rag & girls there in P.M. Bob goes to McPherson’s for potatoes. Get eggs from Jim Sadler. Ruby, Gene & Harry down home. |
May 4 | A nice day. Dick & Grace come up in P.M. |
May 5 | Bob goes to J.W. to plant corn. |
May 6 | Bob goes back to Warner’s. Cold rainy. Mother comes up in evening to get hair washed. Harry & Myrtle go home with them. |
May 7 | Mother gets permanent. Folks go to show at nite (Charlie Chaplin). |
May 8 | Myrtle & Jerry go down with Grandpa. Stay all day. He brings them home in P.M. Goes after kiddies too. Ruby & Mildred go down with Grandpa. Harry too. |
May 9 | Rainy. Boys plant more potatoes. Get mushrooms. Go to town at nite. Ruby & _____ here. Stay with Jerry & Myrtle. |
May 10 | Mother’s Day. Folks here for dinner. Florence & Danny come over. The boys stay for a little while. Jim & Clara here for dinner too. Rains. |
May 11 | Still rainy |
May 12 | Bob goes to town in A.M. He & Kellar hunt mushrooms in P.M. Get a dozen or so. |
May 13 | Tom, the horse, sick. Have Dr. Jones. |
May 14 | Dr. back again at noon. Dr. Dusing gets bushel seed corn. A. Clara here. |
May 15 | For o 8th grade graduation. Then to Grange. Millie goes with Grace’s stays all nite there. Kiddies stay with Grandma. |
May 16 | Helen goes to Aunt Ethel’s. Gene drags garden – helps me plant it. Four kiddies down home. Bob starts to plant corn. He & Gene go to town at nite. Ruby stays with me. |
May 17 | Harry & Myrtle go to town with Grandpa on milk truck. Bob takes young cattle down to Ralph’s in A.M. Gene goes over to Taylor’s. |
May 18 | Bob gets oars at Bummer Wernick’s. Gets feed ground in town. Rains hard. Set out tomato plants. Tom is better. |
May 19 | Rains hard. Bob cuts Myrtle’s & my hair. Mother comes up in A.M. Gene hurts his arm – goes home with Grandma. Bob & Kellar get potatoes & eggs from Jim S. Kiddies bring cats home. |
May 20 | Bob gets hog from Fred Masilles. Potatoes from Everett Cox. Starts to plow sod. Helen goes to stay all nite with Ivah Reynolds. |
May 22 | Bob plants sweet corn. Grace & Dick come up to spend the day. Ruby & Myrtle go down to Grandma’s when they go home. |
May 23 | Plant more late potatoes. Wean pigs. Go to town at nite. Folks go to Rockford in P.M. Ruby & Blanche Reimer. |
May 24 | Take kids to S.S. I go too. Bob & I go up to Ethel’s. Goo down home for dinner. Ruby goes to Chicago. Stays. |
May 25 | Mike comes up to help disc. Comes Tues. too May 26. Kenneth cleaver after cap. Company from distance. Ivah R. comes to stay all nite. |
May 27 | Jerry goes down with Grandpa. He & Grandma bring him back. Ruby, Myrtle & Harry go down with them. Real warm day |
May 28 | Kiddies bring books home. School is out. Picnic May 29 but we go to Ruth’s picnic. Kellar too. Folks take Jerry, Myrtle & Harry home. We go down there tonite. Kellar goes to wiener roast. Rains day & nite. Helen stays down. |
May 30 | Rains. Go down home. Emma & Al come out. Nobody knows where Jack is. At last they do. Take Emma, Al & Ruby to Pines. Grandfather brings up kiddies over too. Go down by Sunset Tearoom. Brundages etc. |
May 31 | Take kiddies to S.S. and go to Abbotts. Down home for dinner. Nobody knows where Sharpo is. Jesse, Kellar here. Stays for a while. Frank, Al, Jess Bob play horseshoes. Kids have a bout & bells. I go down to see Grace a couple minutes. See Jamie & Dorothy. Ruby & Myrtle stay. |
June 1 | Wash. Helen goes for first meeting of 4H Club in P.M. Bob plants piece of corn for silage. Finishes Tues. A.M. Mr. Lindsey over. |
June 2 | Harry goes down with Grandpa. Boys start to build fence. Jerry sick |
June 3 | Ruth & Alice come out in P.M. Go down home. Take a ride to Grand Detour. Go to town at nite for groceries. First band concert. |
June 5 | Boys go to sale. Kelly here. |
June 6 | Aurora. It rains. Go to dance. Come home Sun. P.M. Rains nearly all day. Children’s Day. |
June 7 | Boys build fence. Gene takes Jerry down home on Pansy. |
June 9 | Helen goes to sewing club. Kellar plows corn. |
June 10 | Boys ride the bull at nite. Ruth & Ruby out. |
June 11 | Jess goes down home. |
June 12 | Bob goes to town in P.M. r. & Mrs. Hanson come up to see hogs |
June 13 | Jesse comes up to help Mr. Lindsey. Go to town at nite. Mildred goes with Little’s. Mr. Kelley here for dinner. |
June 14 | Bob takes kiddies to S.S. I walk down home almost. Send Jerry with Grandpa. Aunt Ruby hurts her arm. Boys go to Fred Drexler’s. See Kellar ride in P.M. Stay down for supper. Folks come up at nite. Ruby, Lettie & the Abbotts out. Bob ships bull, sheep & hogs. Goes to Chi. With them. Aunt Ruby stays all nite with me. |
June 15 | Myrtle goes down to Grandma’s on milk truck. Millie goes to Mrs. Prices’. Gene & Harry go down with them. Bud Baker comes out with Gene. Bob comes home. Kellar & girls in after him. |
June 16 | Bob goes to town in A.M. Plows corn in P.M. Go down home to see Florence Lewis in eve. Kellar goes to party. |
June 17 | Florence, Danny & 3 boys over. Stay all nite. Bob, Gene & Bub help folks make hay. Kellar goes down at noon. We go to town at nite. Get little chickens 123 – $8.60. Take down to Mrs. Hanson’s. Gene & Bud get Jesse’s car. |
June 18 | Boys plow corn. Millie last day at Mrs. Price’s. |
June 19 | Boys help Mr. Hanson make hay Gene, Bud, Kellar. Bob, Ruby, Myrtle & Jerry go down to Grandma’s. Helen goes in P.M. All come home at nite. Bud, Gene & Harry down all nite. |
June 20 | Boys plow corn. Gene & Bud ride to town with Kellar. We go to town at nite. |
June 21 | Go down home. Rains a good shower. |
Summer 1931
July 17
Mildred goes down to Hanson’s with Bob. Helen, Ruby, Harry & Myrtle go to condensery. Mr. Hanson & Jesse come up to make hay. Go down to Hanson’s for dinner. Watermelon. Ruby. |
July 18 | Gene & Millie go to the condensery. Leo starts to stay in town. Boys go down to Hanson’s to finish cutting oats. Helen too. Walter & Jamie out in A.M. |
July 19 | Big picnic. Have good time. Earl, Rose, Shell, Gertie, Carolyn, Harriett & Bobbie out. All go down hoe bus us for supper. Bobbie & Harriett up here at nites. Rains. |
July 20 | Harry goes to condensery. Birthday. Danny & Florence go home early train. Cut oats. Runaway. Get 4 rabbits. Finish cutting oats. |
July 22 | Mr. Hanson comes up to help finish shocking oats in A.M. Keller goes Threshing in P.M. Aunt Ruby leaves for St. Louis. Girls go for huckleberries in P.M. |
July 23 | We all go for huckleberries. Bob takes us. |
July 24 | Go again in A.M. Gene takes us. Girls go again in P.M. Aunt Clara. Bob goes threshing too. |
July 25 | Bob & Keller both go threshing. Go to town at nite. |
July 26 | Down home. Ruby & Stella get home from St. Louis. Jesse goes to Pecatonica. Leo out for dinner. Both boys go threshing. We wash. |
July 27 | Helen & Gene go down to Grandmas to make hay. Help Fred Maysilles too. Harry & I go after blackberries in A.M. |
July 29 | Girls and I go after blackberries. Gene takes Grandma and girls in P.M. |
July 30 | We thresh in P.M. Grace & Mother come to help. |
July 31 | Finish threshing. Helen & H go down home. Mr. Lindsay stays all nite July 30. |
Aug. 1 | Go to town at nite. Kiddies go to show. Rains |
Aug. 2 | Down home. Boys play ball. F and all. Ethel’s out at nite. |
Aug. 3 | Mother and I go for berries A.M. Aunt Cora’s over. Stays for lunch. Myrtle & Rollo out for Bobbie & Harriett. |
Aug. 4 | Bobbie & Ivah Sauer come to Grandmas. |
Aug. 5 | Go for berries again. Helen, Jerry, Myrtle, Ruby go down home. |
Aug. 6 | Aunt Cora’s here again. |
Aug. 7 | Bob, Kellar, all of us go for berries in A.M. & P.M. 14 qts. |
Aug. 8 | Harry goes to Dean’s party. Good time. Company. Grind feed. |
Aug 9 | Go to see Abbotts. Go down home. Excitement. |
Aug. 10 | Mother and I go for berries. Bub & Bobbie come out too. Boys make hay. |
Aug. 11 | Finish making hay. Ivah & Helen go to picnic in P.M. Grandma, Harry & I go for berries in A.M. |
Aug. 12 | Bob goes into town in A.M. Down home for dinner Moy hay in P.M. |
Aug. 13 | Mow hay. Make hay in P.M. Bobbie& Ivah go home. |
Aug. 14 | Help Clyde Cox thresh. Bob, Jesse & Gene make hay. Boys get home early. |
Aug. 15 | Peg, Hal & kiddies down in P.M. Down home for dinner. We go to town at nite. |
Aug. 16 | Go to Grange picnic. Mother keeps Harry & Harry. Leo, Harry, Jesse & Grandfather go to Thompson in P.M. Down home for dinner. We go to town at nite. |
Aug. 17 | Bob goes to town in P.M. |
Aug. 18 | Ruth comes out in P.M. Stays all nite. We go down home at nite. Take Fred’s hog home. Down home to get apples. |
Aug. 19 | Hull clover seed in A.M. Rains. First rain in ages. Ruth goes home after dinner. |
Aug. 21 | Hull clover seed. Aug. 22 too. Mother keeps Jerry both days. Kellar goes to Chicago at nite. Paul Bachman come up. Bob takes him home Sat. nite. Then go to town at nite. |
Aug. 22 | Go down home for dinner. Helen S. out. Facials in P.M. Kellar back from Chicago. |
Aug. 24 | Finish hulling clover seed. Bob and Gene take it to Forreston in P.M. Rains a little, not much. |
Aug. 25 | Bob takes load of cattle to Chicago. Harry drives. Aunt Ruby stays with me. Folks up in eve. Bob & I go to town. Abbotts in P.M. |
Aug. 26 | Mildred goes to Frances Cox’s. Bob comes back home. R & F Kellar gets apples for me. Busy day. |
Aug. 27 | Gene goes up to Bud’s for a few days. Frances & Mildred come home. Rains hard at nite. Grandfather & Jesse to Springfield to Fair. Jack to Chi. To be with Helen. |
Aug. 28 | Bob goes to town in A.M. No more milk hauling. Go to Dixon in P.M. Grace & Dorothy keep Jerry. Mother goes too. Helen & Harry shoes. |
Aug. 29 | Bob goes to dentist in A.M. Ezra Wilde brings separator. Go to town at nite. Frances & Mildred go to Gesin’s in A.M. Earl Lynch here in P.M. Grandfather too. |
Aug. 30 | Go down home for dinner. Earl comes in P.M. Roby & Tat nite. |
Aug. 31 | School starts. Gene starts to H.S. Grind feed in P.M. |
Sept. 1 | Earl here. Mrs. Lindsey in A.M. Jesse fixes pipes in A.M. |
Sept. 2 | Kellar goes down home in A.M. Mrs. Lindsey and men over a little while. Bob & I go down to take Jerry. Then go to town. |
Sept. 3 | Grace comes up in P.M. Kellar goes to fill silo at Uncle Wills in P.M. Rains hard & hails at nite. |
Sept. 4 | Mr. Lindsey over. R. fox too. Do repair work. |
Sept. 5 | Bob gets separator in Dixon in A.M. Goes to Oregon in P.M. |
Sept. 6 | Take kiddies to S.S, in A.M. Margaret comes out. Take her back at nite and Helen stays in for Labor Day – no school. Ruby goes to Gertie U. wedding. |
Sept. 7 | Mike and Leon here in A.M. Bob & Grandfather go to Fair in P.M. We go down home. T there. Earl comes in P.M. Boys take F to Dixon. |
Sept. 8 | School again. Kellar goes down home to help. Helen comes out when Grandpa takes kiddies in. |
Sept. 9 | Kellar helps Claude G. hull clover. Kiddies go to Fair. Bob & I too. Harry & Jerry stay with Grandma. |
Sept. 11 | Bob & Kellar help Ray Reese fill silo |
Sept. 12 | Bob & Kellar help Bill Taylor fill silo in A.M. Kellar helps Brooks in P.M. Go to town at nite. Ruth out to stay with Aunt Ruby. |
Sept. 13 | Go down home. Gene, Ruby & Harry down Sat. Ruth out all day. Go to ball game. Rains. Shut windows. Grand Detour. Show at nite. |
Sept. 14 | Cut corn for silo Ray Reese. Gene stays. |
Sept. 15 | We fill silo. Grace & Mother help. Rainy all day. Father, Ruby & Gene stop for supper. Ruby & Gene stay all nite. |
Sept. 16 | Finish filling silo – a couple hours. Nice day. Go up to Sharpo for peaches, a few grapes. Bob & Kellar, Ezra Wilde take separator down home. |
Sept. 17 | Bob gets stock out of Ralph’s pasture. Also bull from down home. He & Kellar stay down for dinner. Jesse fixes toilet & drainpipes in A.M. Myrtle comes home at nite. |
Sept. 18 | Go down home for Bob’s birthday dinner. Ralph & Grace there too. Bob goes to town with Grandfather. I come home with Kellar. Kellar & Jesse go with Ruby & T to dance at nite. |
Sept. 19 | Rains hard in A.M. Bob goes to town in P.M. Ruby here at nite with friend. |
Sept. 20 | Go down home. Rodeo in P.M. Knapps. Kellar does chores. |
Sept. 21 | Wash. Kellar cleans chicken houses. Rains hard at nite. |
Sept. 22 | Bob & I go down home for dinner. Kellar goes to town in A.M. but comes down. Test cows. Make pepper-cabbage relish. Go down to Grace’s a little while. Grind horseradish. Pick up apples for cider in P.M. Kellar fixes top on car. Lindsey here when we get home. Milk. |
Sept. 23 | Grind feed Mathias. Make cider up to Warner’s – Bob & Kellar. Gene stays in all week. Bob takes cream to town. Ruby & Jesse up at nite. |
Sept. 24 | Folks up to Chi. R too. Jesse up for dinner. Mr. Bent sprays chicken houses in P.M. Bob goes down home to chase rabbits out of hay field. Ruby & Harry |
Go down home after school. They, Jesse too come back for supper. Harry goes back with Jesse. Stay all nite. Kellar too. Rains at nite. | |
Sept. 25 | Jesse brings Harry home. Takes kiddies to school. Jesse flat tire. Kellar goes. Mr. Swingley reads the test of cows. |
Sept. 26 | Bob goes to town in A.M. Gene comes with him. Harry & Millie go down home in A.M. We all go down at nite. Bob & Helen go squirrel hunting in P.M. 5 squirrels, 1 rabbit. Kellar & Gene husk corn. |
Sept. 27 | Go down home. Ruby in Chi. Emma comes out with her. Gene & Helen go back at nite. |
Sept. 28 | Bob goes up with Jesse to help at Bergner’s. Kellar goes down to Grandfather’s to take care of hay. Mille not feeling good. |
Sept. 29 | Boys go down to help make hay. Kellar husks corn first. Bob herds cows. Ruby J & F up in eve. |
Sept. 30 | Kellar goes down home to help finish making hay. Then goes to King’s in P.M. to hull clover seed. Bob takes cream to town in A.M. |
Fall 1931
Oct. 1 | I go to Mrs. Prices’s to Woman’s Club. Bob takes separator back to Dixon in P.M. Brings DeLand from down home up here. Ruby goes to Taylors at nite. Stays till Oct, 5. |
Oct. 3 | Millie goes to town with Uncle Bob in P.M. to Grandma Hinkles. Gene comes home with him. Helen goes down to Grandma R in A.M. We go to town at nite. Bob & Gene go to show. |
Oct. 4 | Down home for dinner. Earl comes out. Kellar goes to Dickeyville, Wis. Sat. nite. Ruth Cerease down home at nite. |
Oct. 5 | Bob goes to Fred Brayton’s in A.M. Down home in P.M. to see Earl. Bob & I take Ralph & Grace to Coliseum to serve supper. Kiddies down home. |
Oct. 6 | Rains. Millie’s birthday. Florence down home. |
Oct. 7 | Jesse birthday. Lindsey over in A.M. Ezra Wilde here. Helen, Mildred & Harry go down to Grandma’s to celebrate Mildred’s & Jesse’s birthdays. |
Oct. 9 | Billie & folks up in P.M. We go to Grange at nite. |
Oct. 10 | Rains nearly all day and all nite. Mother sick. |
Oct. 11 | Go down home. Take Billie to Rochelle in P.M. Bob, Jesse, Ruby, Gene play cards at nite. |
Oct. 12 | Kellar leaves at noon. Mike comes in P.M. Mr. Lindsey & Mr. Fox work on buildings. |
Oct. 13 | Rains in A.M. Bob & I go to shower on Dwight Price & wife. Children stay here with Mike. Go to town in P.M. |
Oct. 14 | Grace comes up to sew. Bob gets her and takes her back. He & Mike to down to get pumpkins in P.M. |
Oct. 15 | I wash. Ruth Taylor comes over to stay all nite. |
Oct. 16 | No school. Fri. Helen & Harry go down home. Gene comes out with A. Ruby. Mr. Lindsey & Mr. Fox over. |
Oct. 17 | Gene comes up with Grandpa. Mr. Lindsey & Mr. Fox here. Bob goes to town in A.M. |
Oct. 18 | Go down home. Emma & Daisy out. Earl & Miss Schilling there. Millie & Helen help do chores. Gene sick. Gertie & Shell out. |
Oct. 19 | Bob & I go down home after cabbage in P.M. Bob not feeling well. Make sauerkraut when we get back. |
Oct. 20 | Bob in bed all day. Myrtle kinda bum. |
Oct. 21 | Bob goes to town to Dr. Mr. Lindsey & Mr. Fox here again. Myrtle & Bob both better. |
Oct. 22 | R. Fox & Mr. Lindsey here again. Folks take care of Jerry all day. Ruby & Myrtle go down at nite with them. Big road program in Oregon. |
Oct. 23 | Rains. Mr. Lindsey over. |
Oct. 24 | Folks go to Aurora. Ruby too. Harry goes down with Jesse. Aunt Ruby to Chi. on train. Peg, Hal & kiddies here for supper. Go to town at nite. |
Oct. 25 | Down home. I go down to Grace’s in P.M. Bob comes back up to help load hogs. Gene & Bud out. Play cards down home at nite. |
Oct. 26 | Rains. Bob finishes digging late potatoes in garden. |
Oct. 27 | Rains. Bob finishes digging late potatoes in garden. |
Oct. 28 | Nice day but colder. |
Oct. 29 | Rains again in P.M. Boys turn cows in corn. Finish husking 1 field. Fresh cow Oct. 28. |
Oct. 30 | Rains a little. Mike sick. Doesn’t come back today. Gene & Bud come out at nite, with A. Ruby. Harry & Myrtle go down home with Jack-o-lantern. |
Oct. 31 | Rather nice day but cold. Boys herd cows & help Bob husk corn. Mildred takes Jerry down home. Harry stays here. Go to town at nite. |
Nov. 1 | Nice day. Down home. Stay down. Play 500. |
Nov. 2 | Beautiful day. Mike back to work. Sun. A.M. too. Finish husking corn. Sell 2 calves to E. Wilmarth. Clean – Reading Room. |
Nov. 3 | Wean pigs. Finish hauling wood to house. |
Nov. 4 | Jack Cole comes up with father. Beautiful day. Bob takes cream to town. Makes payment on separator. |
Nov. 5 | Mrs. Lindsey & Elmer over in A.M. Bob starts to plow in P.M. Mike cuts wood in P.M. 4th & 5th. |
Nov. 6 | Beautiful day but cold. Hard frost nite before. Helen & Ruby go down home. |
Nov. 7 | Hal & Peg & Benders down. Put up signs. Town at nite. Helen stays in town. |
Nov. 8 | Down home for dinner. Grace & Dorothy up in P.M. Play cards. Walter brings Helen out. |
Nov. 9 | Terribly windy but warm. Harry home sick. |
Nov. 10 | Colder, but still windy. Grind feed Mathias in A.M. Mike goes down home in P.M. to help Jesse cut wood. Mrs. Rosenbaum helps Mother clean house. |
Nov. 11 | Armistice Day. Ruby Chi. Bob takes cream in A.M. Mike gets 3 rabbits in A.M. Bob gets kiddies from school. Rains hard. |
Nov. 12 | Open silo. Jesse comes up to help Mike cut wood in P.M. |
Nov. 13 | Nice day – a little cold. Bob plows. Miss Willford here. Mildred & Myrtle go down home with her. |
Nov. 14 | Rains again. Hal down home 13th. Harry goes down this A.M. Bob take cream in A.M. Gene & Bud come out with Leonard Taylor on milk truck. Go hunting in P.M. Go to Dixon in eve. |
Nov.15 | Go down home. Gene & Bob go hunting in A.M. Nothing exciting except no C. Come home early. Schmitt’s out in eve down home. Bud & Gene stay here all nite. |
Nov. 16 | Bob plows in P.M. Mike & Jesse get buck for father from Mr. Warner. Then Jesse helps Mike cut wood in P.M. |
Nov. 17 | Go down home. Rains all day. |
Nov. 18 | Butcher down home. Cooler, Danny & Florence come over. F. sick. Ruby doesn’t work in P.M. Bob takes cream to town in A.M. Florence goes back at nite. |
Nov. 19 | We go down home to cut up meat etc. Hal comes down at nite. F. up. Helen goes to Schiers. |
Nov.20 | Rains again. Hal comes up when they bring milk. Bob takes kiddies to school. Goes down home from there, then hunting with Hal & Jesse to Bald Hill. |
Nov. 21 | Busy day. Bob takes cream in P.M. Jerry, Ruby, Harry down home. Go to Dixon at nite. |
Nov. 22 | Folks & Campbell’s here for dinner. Rainy day. Boys go hunting P.M. F. has to bowl. Ship hogs at nite. |
Nov. 23 | Mr. Wilmarth after 2 calves. |
Nov. 24 | Mr. Mathias here. Mr. Lindsey over working. Saw wood in P.M. Jesse helps. Gene comes home. He, Helen & Harry go hunting in A.M. |
Nov. 25 | Bob takes cream to town in A.M. Has to go back in P.M. Gene goes to Grandma H for Thanksgiving Dinner. Helen goes down home in P.M. |
Nov. 26 | Thanksgiving – down home for dinner. Ralph & Grace there. Leo out inn P.M. |
Nov. 27 | Sew. Mike takes Gladys home. Bob cuts hair. |
Nov. 28 | Bob takes cream in A.M. Gets Gene. Takes Helen & Mildred to Dixon to get galoshes. Grandpa gets Harry gloves & overshoes. |
Nov. 29 | Down home. Kiddies go to S.S. F. down for dinner Leo too. Gene goes back down to stay all nite. |
Nov. 30 | Bob plows. Insurance man here at nite. Mutual. Mr. Gitz. Ruby starts to stay in nites. Father ships hogs. |
Dec. 1 | Bob & Ralph go to sale up above Rockford. Hal’s old place. |
Dec. 2 | Mother goes down to Guyn’s. Grace too. Bob takes cream to town in A.M. Mike helps Bill Taylor shred. |
Dec. 3 | Beautiful day. Butcher hog for Mrs. Myers in A.M. Take it in town in P.M. Jesse comes up at nite. Drives Chevrolet. |
Dec. 4 | First snow of season. Go down to Grace’s. Ralph goes to sale. Bob & Mike down home for dinner. Jesse comes up after Harry & Ruby. |
Dec. 5 | Boys cut load of weed for Mr. Abbot tin A.M. Mr. Lindsey & Mr. Fox over in A.M. Go to town at nite with cream. |
Dec. 6 | Kiddies go to S.S. Down home for dinner. Aunt Clara, Uncle Will down. Ethel & Ivah, Sand & Ann & another couple 12 kiddies. F. comes. Sick Chi. |
Dec. 7 | Bob takes load of wood to Mr. Abbott in A.M. Grind feed in P.M. late. Jerry falls down cellar steps. |
Dec. 8 | Boys cut wood down home. Toots & Sadie’s husband out. Mother has company all nite. Lillian Schier here. Mr. Schneider killed. |
Dec. 9 | Beautiful snow storm. Bob takes kiddies to school in bobsled. Takes cream to town in car. Helps Jim Warner with cows. Eats dinner there. |
Dec. 10 | Jesse takes kiddies to school in bobsled. Boys go down home in A.M. Jim & Paul R. there fixing car. Bob goes after kiddies at nite – rainy stormy. |
Dec. 11 | Warmer, muddy. Grandpa takes kiddies to school. Jesse comes up to help fix water, windmill, etc. |
Dec. 12 | Beautiful day. Jesse car balks. Mike goes out with wagon to get milk. Mildred & Harry go down home. Jess, Mike & father butcher Jersey calf. Bob takes cream. Go to Dixon show at nite. Leave Jerry & Ruby down there. Jesse goes to dance with Paul & girlfriend. Gene & Bud out. |
Dec. 13 | Down home. F. there in P. there in P.M. Father, Jess, Bob go to Grand Detour. Ruby goes away. Jesse friend there in P.M. Bob & Gene help Bob do chores, then go back down home to stay all nite. Snows. |
Dec. 14 | Kiddies late for school. Go with Jesse in bobsled. Bob & Mike go after wood down home wagon & sled. Bob gets stuck with wagon. Take hog down home this P.M. Leave load of wood in lane. |
Dec. 15 | Boys go down home early to butcher. Father comes after me later. Brings me home. Harry domes down after school. Stay down. Wonderful day. Levitt Jones helps butcher. Lots of meat. Big hog & half of small one. |
Dec. 16 | Bob takes cream in A.M. He & Mike go down after lard etc. in P.M. Send rest of Middle States Ins. Pay Tel. Bill. Get Levitt Hones little kettle too. Ruby goes to Schiers to stay all nite. Take the hogs to town today too. Mother & Grace go to Dixon in A.M. Can 1 qt. beef, 2 of tenderloin & 1 liver. |
Dec. 17 | Butcher 2 hogs for Uncle Ed & Mr. Benesh. Can sauerkraut. |
Dec. 18 | Bob takes load of wood to Mr. Abbott. Jesse comes up for hay rack. Comes up at nite – plays cards. |
Dec. 19 | Foggy day. Ruby goes down to Grandma. We go to town in P.M. Bob, Helen & I. Mike goes down to Grandma’s & down home. Takes Millie, Myrtle, Harry & Jerry. We go down after them when we come home. |
Dec. 20 | Mike doesn’t come home Sat. nite or sun. A.M. Bud & Gene come up. Help do chores. We stay home this Sun. Harry goes down with Jesse. Bud too. Bud comes back. Gene, Bud & Jesse go to Mr. Morris Sat. nite in “Sphere of the Bronchs”. Mike comes home for chores at nite. Brings girl too. Stays for supper. |
Dec. 21 | Another cloudy foggy day. Bob & I go to Dixon in A.M. Stay down home for dinner. Go to Len Laws sale in P.M. Hal down hoe to butcher. Frank there. Mrs. Mary Jones too. |
Dec. 22 | Bob take cream to town A.M. Stays all day. Gets Gene’s pants, shoes & shirt. Jesse come up to play cards. |
Dec. 23 | We get Xmas tree, put it up in A.M. Go to program in P.M. Finish trimming tree at nite. Make candy. |
Dec. 24 | Mildred, Myrtle, Harry Ruby & I go down to Grandma’s with Jesse in A.M. Go to town with folks. All come up at nite. Have our Christmas presents. Gene comes out in A.M. Helen goes down with folks at nite. |
Dec. 25 | Green Christmas. We all go down home for dinner. Stay for supper. Bob, Gene & Mildred come back up to do chores. There at nite. Jesse goes to Mt. Morris for dinner. We all get nice presents Harry stays down. |
Dec. 26 | Beautiful Day. Wash. I feel kind of punk. Mildred & Myrtle walk down to Grandma’s in P.M. We go to town at nite. Helen, Ruby & Jerry up to Ethel’s. Show. Mike stays home. |
Dec. 27 | Down home for dinner. Mike’s Sun. off. Mr. & Mrs. Hughes here. Bring candy for kiddies. Kellar & Walter Blake here at nite. Ruby stays in to Grandma’s. |
Dec. 29 | Cecilia & Ivah here at nite. Bob takes cream in A.M. Help Father saw wood in P.M. Bob & Mike both. Wash. |
Dec. 30 | Mildred & Helen go down with Jesse in A.M. Jesse fixes the over door for us. Then they go to tow with Jesse & Grandpa. Ruby comes back, Millie stays in. They eat dinner down to Grandma’s. Come home in P.M. Rainy day. Cecilia, Ivah, Gene & Harry come up little while in the A.M. in Jess’s ruck. In P.M. Jesse, Ivah, Cecelia, Helen & Ruby come up. Stay for supper. Aunt Ruby is down home all nite. They play cards, then go home about 9:15. |
Dec. 31 | Grace comes up with Jesse. Ivah too. Bob gives the chicken to take home with them. Bob takes Grace home, gets jerry, etc. Rainy day. Snows at nite and P.M. Girls go home to Aurora in P.M. Gene & Ruby stay down to Grandma’s. |