
Jan. 1 A. Ruby, Florence & family into Emma’s & Al’s.  Snowy, rainy.  We stay home.  Millie at Grandma H.  Ruby & Gene at Grandma R.  Gene & Jesse go to Mt. Morris.  Back to show at nite.
Jan. 2 Ruby comes home.  Helen goes down to Grandma’s.  Gene & Harry home.  We go to town in P.M.  Bob & I.  Ruby & Myrtle keep Harry.  We stop to see Abbotts.  Bob takes wagon down home.  Hog too.  Jesse up at nite.  Take Mike to Mumma’s then come back & play cards.
Jan. 3 Bob takes kiddies to S. S. stops at Aunt Floras.  We go down home for dinner & supper.  Ruby etc. to Davenport.  Walter, Evelyn, Jamie bring Millie home.  Gene goes back with them.
Jan. 4 Bob goes to look at Taylor’s straw stack then goes down home.  Ralph & Dick here to look at sheep.  Boys cut wood in P.M. Jesse comes up at nite – play cards.
Jan. 5 Rainy, stormy.  A year ago we moved to Lindsey place.  Bob & Mille take cream to town in P.M.
Jan. 6 Colder – windy.  Boys cut wood.
Jan. 7 Cut wood.  Jesse gets hog for father – takes Ralph’s sheep to him.  Boys cut wood in P.M. again.
Jan. 8 Beautiful day.  Harry & Myrtle home.  Other kiddies have examinations.  Boys cut wood.  Walter brings Gene out at nite.  Takes Mille back.  Jesse up at nite – cold.
Jan. 9 Mrs. Lindsey & Elmer here in A.M.  Jesse, Harry & Mike go to timer – saw & split wood.  Bob takes cream in P.M.  Ruby goes too.  Martha & Dick up in P.M.
Jan. 10 Mike gone all day.  Go down home at noon.  Lettie & Abbott’s out in P.M.  Grace & Dorothy up.  Floraine & Wallace there.  They F. & W. stay for supper.  Play cards in eve.  Harry & Evelyn bring Millie home after supper.  Tank runs over.
Jan. 11 Bob & Mike cut wood.  Gene Doesn’t go to school.  Goes Jan. 12.
Jan. 12 Bob takes cream in A.M.  Windy, rainy, etc.  Ship sheep.
Jan. 13 Saw wood in P.M.  Beautiful day.  Rather windy.  Harry & Myrtle go home with Grandpa from school.
Jan. 14 Bob & Mike go to Grandpa Warner’s to see about straw.  Carl’s too in A.M.  Mike’s car.  In P.M. go down home to fix wagon tongue.  Rains.  Jesse comes up at nite to play cards.
Jan. 15 Frozen, icy.  Boys fix wagon to haul straw.  Bob goes to town right after dinner.  Got a load of straw after that.
Jan. 16 Muddy.  Bob takes cream in A.M.  Go to Dixon in P.M.  Myrtle & Ruby galoshes, my slippers.  Gene rides bike out.  Pretty icy in A.M.
Jan. 17 Down home.  Kiddies to S.S. in A.M. Down to Grace’s at nite.  A. Ruby, Bob, Helen, Mildred, Ruby down for supper.  Stays to go to school with Martha Mon.
Jan. 18 No school.  We have birthday supper for Grandma, Florine, Wallace, Jean too, Frank, Jesse, Ruby, our family here.  Mother gets lots of presents.  Boys haul straw in A.M.  Chas. Hanson here in P.M.
Jan. 19 Bob takes cream.  Helen goes down home.  Millie goes nite before visits school with Martha.  School but kiddies don’t know it.  D. Kump comes after Ruby & Myrtle.  Bob gets timing for Mother’s dress.
Jan. 20 Go to Mrs. Hanson’s with Mother to Club.  Grace there too.  Bob & Mike go down there for dinner.  Bob & Jesse get potatoes in P.M.  Jesse up at nite – play cards.  Chas. Hanson here to look at cows.
Jan. 21  Grace’s big day at Eastern Star.  Rainy.  Bob & Mike go to town in P.M.
Jan. 22 Haul straw
Jan. 23 Ralph’s birthday.  We go down in eve.  Hansons, Jesse & Ruby there.  Bob takes cream in P.M.  He & Mike exchange horses in A.M.
Jan. 24 Go down home.  Grandfather takes kiddies to S.S. Millie stays in.  Walter & Evelyn bring her home.  Gene & Harry walk down home after they get through milking.
Jan. 25 Beautiful day only cold sun shines for 3 days straight.   First time in ages.
Jan. 26 Snows.  Frank’s birthday.  Boys haul straw in A.M.  Bob takes cream to Polo in A.M.  Anna Mae Schier down at nite.
Jan. 27 Cut wood down home in P.M.  Beautiful day.  Mike’s car breaks down at nite.
Jan. 28 Mike goes away in A.M.  Home for chores.
Jan. 29 I go to town A.M.  Cold grows colder.  Big super for Helen & Walter.  Frank, Ruby, Jesse, Folks, Walter & Evelyn play cards.  Very, Very, Cold.  Ruby goes back with Walter & Evelyn.
Jan. 30 We go to Rockford – colder after dinner.  Girls go down home.  Take Helen & Jerry.  Ruby & Frank go at nite.  Jesse too.
Jan. 31 Come home.  Cold.  Harlan up to Peg’s.  Hal washes Bob’s car.
Feb. 1 Cold too.  Bob & Mike haul straw in P.M.
Feb. 2 Boys cut wood down home.
Feb. 3 Chas. Hanson gets two cows.  Bob & Mike take cream to Polo in P.M.
Feb. 4 Lindsey’s over in A.M.  Boys haul straw in P.M.  Cold.
Feb. 5 Bob takes load of wood to Mr. Abbott.  Jesse up at nite.
Feb. 6 Go to Oregon P.M.  Bob cuts hair in A.M.  Mike helps Jesse – here for dinner.  Dixon at nite.
Feb. 7 Down home.  Mike doesn’t come home Sun.  Mon. A.M. Mike leaves Feb. 8.  Bob gets load of straw.
Feb. 9 Go to town in A.M.  Jerry down home.  Folks bring him home.
Feb. 10 Bob takes cream to Polo.  Go up to Abbotts to visit.  Bring Everett out to work for us.  Kiddies down home.  Millie goes to Schiers all nite.
Feb. 11 Windy, warm, rainy, etc.
Feb. 13 Hauled wood up in A.M.  Go to town in P.M.  Gene comes home sick.  Go to Dixon at nite.  I stay down home all nite.  Down home all day for dinner, etc.
Feb. 15 Grace’s party.
Feb. 16 Uncle Wills here.  Bob & U. Will go to Polo in P.M.
Feb. 17 Bob goes to sale.  Grinds feed in P.M.
Feb. 18 Trades cows with grandfather.  Gene home.
Feb. 19 Boys haul straw in A.M.  Jerry sick again
Feb. 20  Helen goes down to help Grandma.  We go to Oregon at nite.  Grandfather takes cream to Polo in A.M. for us.  Show.
Feb. 21 Bob takes kiddies to S.S.  Jack take me for ride in P.M.  Bob takes Mother down to McPhersons.  Walter & girlfriend out at night.  Take Gene in.
Feb. 22 Nice day but cold.  Boys haul straw.
Feb. 24 Bob takes cream to Polo.  Go down to Hansons at nite.  Jesse too.  Ruby & Frank out.
Feb. 25 Go down home for dinner.  Everett & Bob go to sale in P.M.  Jesse too.  Teacher & children go to woods.
Feb. 26 Bob goes to sale in P.M.  Father too.  Everett & Harry go along.  Harry goes to Butterbaughs in P.M.  Bob goes to Oregon.  Dixon at nite.
Feb. 28 Down home.  Stormy, terribly cold day and grandfather takes cream to Polo.  Terrible time.  Pups.
Mar. 6 We go down home in bobsled.  Harry & Ruby not feeling good.  Ruby & Myrtle stay.  Real cold.
Mar. 7 Boys haul straw.  Bring Ruby & Myrtle home.  Go to town n A.M.  Cold. Cold.
Mar. 9 Cold.  Colder.
Mar. 10 Boys butcher down home.  Grind feed in P.M.  Chas. Hanson brings load of corn.  Bob goes to town after things for sausage grinder.
Mar. 11 Boys haul straw in A.M.  Bob cuts up meat in P.M.  Folks come up.  Grandpa goes after Gene.  Gene, Everett Bob go to show at nite.  Much warmer.
Mar. 12 Beautiful day.  A little cold though.  Gene & Everett clan hog house and Bob takes cream to Polo.  Father too.  Gene goes down to Grandmas for dinner.  Harry & Myrtle go nite before.  Ruby, Gene & Bud here for supper.  Whole gang at nite.  Ruby’s Surprise Party.
Mar. 13 Go down home for dinner.  Everett goes in home for dinner.  Is Uncle comes after him and brings him back.  Jesse’s ford froze up.  Bob takes kiddies to S.S.  Takes lard to Levitt Jones, sausage to Abbotts.  Bud comes up to help Bob do chores.  Gene helps Jesse.  Everett & Jesse take Gee & Bud in and go to show.
Mar. 14 Harry & Jamie out all day.  Bob, Jesse & Ralph haul hay.
Mar. 15 Kellar here for dinner.  Bob goes to town in A.M.  I bake bread.  Haul hay in P.M.  Hal hauls straw & hay in truck.  Kellar rides horses.
Mar. 16 Bob takes cream to Polo in A.M.  Go to Oregon in P.M.  Everett too.  Gene comes out.
Mar. 17 Grandpa takes kiddies to school.  Gene to town.  Bob hauls load of week up in A.M.  He & Ralph get 2 loads of hay in P.M.  1 for each of them.
Mar. 18 Bob helps folks butcher in A.M.  Town in P.M.  Jesse up.  Girls go down with him.  Gene & Bud out from town.  Jesse has trouble with car.  Bob takes him home.
Mar. 19 Boys go to haul straw in P.M.  Polo in A.M.  Cream.  Harry too.  Beautiful snow.  Folks Aurora.  Ruby, Millie, Helen keep house. Gene & Bud down there.
Mar. 20 Bob takes kiddies to S.S.  Mr. Thompson to see Mr. Bachman.  Everett goes to town with Jesse at night when he brings girls home.
Mar. 21 Terribly bad, blizzardy day.  Grows worse all day, although not real cold.  Gene breaks his arm.  Leonard Taylor starts to bring him home.  Bob meets them.  Goes for other children.  Pulls truck out of snow.  Goes back & forth to school.  Gene starts to stay home.  Drift.  Such a day.  Little pigs born.  Sheep too.  Terrible night.  Bob starts with car but had to pull it home with team.
Mar. 22 Snowy, deep.  Boys start to take kiddies to school but they have to walk from mailbox.  Drifted terribly.  Ruby stays home.  Boys go after them at nite.  Grandpa & Chas. Hanson come up.  Chas. brings another load of corn.  Bob sick.  Jesse up to help milk.
Mar. 23 Jesse & Grandpa up in A.M.  Bob & Gene go down home then go to Oregon by Grand Detour to Dr.  Gene stays down all nite.  Has to go back next day.
Mar. 24 Hal comes down in A.M.  Jesse & Mr. Hanson & Ralph up to help.  Bob sick in bed.  John King comes.  Hal takes cow home.  Three other men here for dinner too.  Folks come up.  Paulie R. too in P.M.  Bring Gene home.  Harry goes home with them.
Mar. 25 Paul R. takes Harry to school.  Millie & Helen home yesterday and today.  Matt Thompson here.  Hal & Sonny come back.  Stay till Sat.  Help work.  Down home at nite.  Ruby & Myrtle.
Mar. 26 Father & Paul R. take milk to Polo.  Hal & Sonny take Gene to Dr.  Grind feed in P.M.  Gene goes to Rockford with them.
Mar. 27 Easter.  Myrtle & Millie walk down home.  Jesse brings them back, then takes Helen home with him.  Everett spend the day in town.  Uses Jesse’s car.  Leonard & Ray here.
Mar. 28 Hal brings Gene down to see about his ar.  Takes him back and has his arm reset.  Jesse goes to town for Bob.
Mar. 29 Bob goes out a little in A.M.  Folks here in P.M.  Boys ride Smoky
Mar. 30 Rainy, stormy.  Kiddies don’t go to school.  Harry goes from down home.  Father comes in after cream, gets stuck.  Has terrible time.
Mar. 31 Jerry’s birthday.  Have the Dr. for Bob.